Surviving my first OMM

Last weekend I survived my first OMM. And it was a survival test at times... The OMM is a two day mountain event during which you and a partner (in this case my husband, Dave) have to navigate round a fixed linear course or a score orienteering-type course. You carry all your camping gear, food and spare clothes making your way to a designated camping area at the end of day 1 and returning to the main event centre where you started by the cut-off time on day 2.This year was the 50th Anniversary of the OMM (formerly known as the Karrimor Mountain Marathon) so it was rather special. The OMM is very popular with 2000 people taking part annually. This year it was to be held in the fells around Langdale. The start of the second day. On entering, we had to choose a class. There are three linear classes, three score classes and one combined which is a bit of both. We chose the B class which is the easiest linear class. I kept thinking that a score class would be better...