GVS have fun in Grasmere

The British Fell Relays 2018 It’s about 10 years since Goyt Valley Striders had a team in the British Fell Relays. Earlier this year it was suggested that we should enter a team again. I can’t remember whose idea it was but it turned out to be a great one. I offered to see if there was any interest. This year’s event was organised by Ambleside AC and was based in Grasmere. There was a lot of interest from our members - so much so that the committee decided to enter two teams: a Mixed Team (three men and three women) and an Open Team (any combination of runners). Fairfield from Heron Pike - it didn't look like this on the day! Details were published and it became clear that Leg 1, a solo leg, would take in Seat Sandal; Leg 2, a paired leg would go to the top of Fairfield and Leg 4 would be another solo leg over Heron Pike and would be fully marked. I haven’t forgotten about Leg 3 – it’s a paired navigation leg so having runners who are confident with a ...